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Born in Salvador, Lucas Santtana is the son of Roberto Sant'Anna, historic producer of the Tropicalistas. In 1993, he was asked to collaborate on the albums Tropicália 2 and Gilberto Gil Unplugged.


He was a musician in Gilberto Gil's band and has produced alongside artists such as Chico Science and Nação Zumbi, Caetano Veloso, Marisa Monte, Céu and Arto Lindsay. His solo project discography includes 8 studio albums.


In the show's repertoire, in addition to the songs from his new and celebrated work, "O Paraíso", released in January 2023, there is space to present old classics from his career such as "Meu Primeiro Amor", "Cira Regina e Nana", "Amor em Jacumã", "Ninguém solta a mão de ninguém", "Partículas de amor", among others.

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