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Foto 3 FBC Outro Planeta - Bel Gandolfo.jpg

Created in the rhyme battles of Belo Horizonte, FBC is an artist with 16 years of experience in hip hop. He founded the famous DV Tribo together with Djonga, Clara Lima, Coyote Beatz, Hot and Oreia.

In 2021, alongside beatmaker VHOOR, he released the acclaimed album "BAILE", which portrays the 90s when raps and melodies highlighted everyday life in the suburbs, and the rhythm is inspired by Miami Bass.


His new work, titled "O amor, o perdão e a tecnologia irão nos levar para outro planeta", came to the world in July 2023.


FBC's fifth studio work, the album proposes a sound journey exploring the phases of dance music while promoting rhymes about love and its complexities.

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